The Chelmsford Scholarship Fund Would Like To Thank The Following Generous Donors
2022 Contributors


Donations May
Be Made By Mail:
Donations are always accepted and may be
made by mail to:
Town of Chelmsford Scholarship Fund, Inc.
Attn: Treasurer
P.O. BOX 296
Chelmsford, MA 01824
Please make checks payable to: “Town of Chelmsford Scholarship Fund, Inc.”
The town of Chelmsford Scholarship Fund, Inc.(FIN 04-6039588) is an Internal Revenue Service recognized Section 501(c)(3) federal tax exempt organization. All donations are tax deductible as a charitable donation

Designated Scholarships
Raymond L. Anstiss Memorial
Raymond N. Belanger Memorial
Donald R. Berman, MD/Chelmsford Pediatrics, LLC
Paula D. Blagg Memorial
Blake Chelmsford Funeral Home
Dr. Henry Boroyan Scholarship
Susan Cantin Scholarship
Judith Chartier Scholarship
Chelmsford Federation of Teachers
Chelmsford Land Conservation Trust
CHS Class of 1966
CHS Class of 1995
Chelmsford Lions Club
Chelmsford Rotary Club
Christopher Currie Memorial
Marian Currier Scholarship
Philip L Currier Memorial
Patricia L. Daron Memorial
Lawrence L Day Memorial of the Merrimack Valley
Rotary Club
Digital Federal Credit Union
Directors Award
Dolan Funeral Home
Drum Hill Contruction
Eileen Duffy Memorial
Eastern Bank
Enterprise Bank
Damian & Amparo Folch
Rep. Bruce N. Freeman Memorial
Carol A. French Memorial
A Friend
Dr. Michael A. Gilchrist Memorial
Eugene & Marguerite Gilet
Beverlyanne Gregorio Memorial
Suzanne G. Hoehn Memorial
Danial Horgan Memorial
Jeanne D'Arc Credit Union
Steve Jones Legacy Fund
Arnold S. Katz Memorial
Keller Williams
Joyce D. King Memorial
David L'Hussier Memorial
John R. Langworthy Memorial
Dorothy Lerer Memorial
Lowell Five Cent Savings
Lowell Sun Charities
The Lupoli Family
Richard W. Main Family
Steven P.L. Maloney Memorial
Ronald & Elaine Marsella Memorial
Ralph Martel, Jr. Memorial
Paul Martens Scholarship
Gloria D. Masson Memorial
Clement & Elizabeth McCarthy Memorial
James J. McKeown Memorial
Jean McLachlan Scholarship
Anna Meinander Memorial/AFS
Melody Michopoulos Memorial
Henry Paul Mueller Memorial
Robin Mullin Memorial
Emily Myerson Memorial
Kerry J. Nickerson Memorial
Kathie Nisco Memorial
Northern Bank & Trust
Republic Service Inc.
Timothy Ring Memorial
Mickey Ryan Memorial
Sunny Acres Nursing and Rehabilitation
Triangle Service Center
Trinity a Division of Pridestar E.M.S.
Ultimate Krones Group
Utility Systems, Inc.
Thomas J. Welch Memorial
Michael R. White Memorial
George N. Yerid, MD Memorial
Peter Zopes Award